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STOMACH TORSION or twist or Bloat

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STOMACH TORSION or twist or Bloat.


This is a quick killer of dogs of all ages, from 5-6 months through to old age.

There are different opinions as to why dogs suffer this condition.  

I will list the symptoms first,

  1. The dogs is restless and cannot lie still for long as this is uncomfortable.

  2. They will lie on a cold floor or want to go outside and lay on cold concrete this is to stop the pain in the stomach.

  3. The dog will try to be sick more than once and may bring back food or bile. He will be sick more than once.

  4. He/she may eat grass to be sick. he is trying to relive the pressure in the stomach.

  5. He/she may arch his back and be in obvious pain.

  6. He/she will cry and whine.

  7. His/her stomach will feel hard and possibly swollen.

The dog may show all or a few of the symptoms,

if so do not hesitate,
death can happen within a few hours
surgery is essential to save life.
Contact your not leave it until tomorrow. 
DO NOT wait and see how he goes on..

The condition is painful and fatal if not treated..

Some of the reasons for stomach torsion..

  1. Large breeds or deep chested dogs seem prone to it e.g. Great Danes German Shepherds Rotts and large bodied dogs.

  2. Dried food.. Some dried food swells in the stomach as it soaks up moisture from the stomach. 
    This can lay heavy on the stomach and take a while to digest..
    Hence if the dog is taken for exercise within an hour of a full feed their jumping and running can cause a twist.

  3. Drinking a large amount of water before exercise.
    Again the jumping and running with a full stomach of food or water can flip the stomach over.

  4. Running a dog on a full stomach is possibly one of the main reasons for twist/torsion.

  5. Retching or being sick can in extreme cases cause a torsion, always watch out for car sickness.

There are a few precautions that you can take to reduce torsion.

  1. If you feed dried food add a small amount of water or fluid vegetable water.
    Just enough to make it moist.

  2. Always have fresh water available.

  3. DO NOT feed your dog before exercise.

  4. WAIT at least 1 to 1½ hours after feeding before exercise in fact with a large breed dog, 2 hours to be on the safe side.

  5. DO NOT allow your dog to drink a massive amount of water before exercise or after,  small amounts only.

  6. Feed two meals a day instead of one big meal.


Follow the same rules that we have.

You would not go for a long run on a full stomach.

You would not go swimming on a full stomach.

You would go to sleep after a big meal..

We suffer stomach cramps which can be fatal if swimming.

You would not go for a five mile run with a stomach full of water.

Follow the same safety rules with your dog.




If your puppy or dog keeps on retching for any length of time, it could cause a STOMACH TORSION or twist.


A stomach twist or torsion can happen with large Breeds, or it can cause gastro entiritis.  Because with constant retching, the stomach can be inflamed and  the retching can be accompanied by diarrhoea.  That is why it is best to take your puppy on small but frequent journeys to start with.

If this happens, stop the car and give the puppy or dog chance to stop retching take them out of the car and let them stand quietly.


The symptoms of stomach twist are

  • The dog becomes very restless
  • The dogs back may be arched and crying in pain
  • The stomach may be swollen and hard, this is gas
  • The dog is in obvious distress.

Veterinary attention should be sought immediately.  This condition can be fatal so contact a Vet.  Keep your mobile phone on you with your Vet’s number on it. 


If you need a Vet immediately contact the local Police station and they will help you.


© Janet Wesley

If you have any problems, email us for advice.


Contact Details
Head Trainer Janet Wesley
Tel: 0115 8462031


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